Monday, December 8, 2008




There used to be daily ‘Gate meetings’ at 11.30 am during which some one of the faculty in the Struggle will be addressing the meeting. Here is the excerpt of speech given by Dr. A.Silas Ebenezar on Friday, the 5th of December 2008 on the 98th Day Protest Demonstration at Washburn Gate. He, at the end of his speech, drew a parallel between the present happening and the biblical events. Here it is:

…….Before concluding my speech, let me give a word of caution to those in our faculty who simply ‘mind their business’ under the guise that it is a Management problem and they do not bother whether it is Raman in power or Ravanan. (ராமன் ஆண்டாலும் ராவணன்ஆண்டாலும் எனக்கொரு கவலை இல்லை.)

On that eventful Thursday night Judas arrived in Gethsemane with a large crowd armed with swords and clubs, sent by the chief priests. The armed men stepped forward, seized Jesus and arrested him and brought him first to Annas, who was the father-in-law of Caiaphas, the high priest (Bishop) that year.
Caiaphas was the one who had advised that it would be good if Jesus died.

Jesus was led from Caiaphas to the palace of the Roman Governor, Pilate who found no basis for a charge against Jesus. When Pilate inclined to release Jesus, the crowd – directly benefited all along by Jesus - shouted,”Crucify Jesus! Let his blood be on us and on our children!”

Today, the Annas (= Christopher Asir) and the Caiphas ( =Davamani Christopher) are plotting to crucify the College with the support of Judas ( =George Selvakumar) and the Crowd ( = those of you who are simply ‘minding your business’ benefited by the College all thru.)

You are shouting “Crucify College! Let its blood be on us and on our children!”


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