Saturday, September 5, 2009

Prof. JOHN JEBARAJ writes ...


As expected the PARADISE is regained.

Now it is the duty of the well wishers/former teaching /non-teaching staff/alumni and alumnae to protect this HONEY COMB from the predators. The World Wide Web is a boon to the present day, for the immediate communication and contact. It is Prof.Sam George(Dharumi) in association with Dr.P.K. and others are skilled in this field. Let them maintain the trend involving other motivated young staff and students.. Let them have a directory of contact numbers/records/e-mail Ids etc. They need to be updated once in fifteen days. Let them occupy a special wing in the college website.

The past two years were the DARK PHASE in the history of The American College. Satanic forces in the form of Bishop played havoc to tarnish the image of this Honey Comb. Yet the situation led to identify the BLACK SHEEP, discriminate bad and selfish elements. I never thought my brother/class mate/colleague Dr.Jeyachandran Gabriel(as a member of GC) would betray like this. I think he still has an empty bone with little flesh thrown by the Bishop. In future, the PRINCIPAL and SECRETARY whoever may be, need to think deeply/prudently to choose committed members for GC and the CHAIRMAN of the GC.

I know Prof.J.Vedasironmani (King of St.John’s College, Palayamkottai) who was member of GC of our college, for many years during the days of Dr.M.A.Thangaraj. When the power of the Principal was grabbed by the Bishop and the Diocese there, the degradation of standards in colleges set in. St.John’s and Sarah Tucker in Palayamkottai are standing examples for such an atrocity.

In one of the public meetings our esteemed professor Solomon Papaiah quoted the Biblical anecdote of David and Goliath. The tiny stone of David flies straight into Goliath’s head, and he falls down dead !!! Thus the Bishop’s man-power and money-power could not save him. The superiors in the C.S.I. need to look into the atrocities of the leadership in D..M.R. If this trend would prevail for years the CSI would collapse.

The crisis,invasion by the Bishop and the grim situation prevailed for the several months made the retired Principals except Sudanandha/Professors/teaching and non teaching staff to wake up for sometime. They had a chance to enter the campus again and again to meet the Principal and others. Thus a sense of belonging and commitment was felt among the 'oldies' as many of us served for more than 35 years. Many former students that TCJ may not know met him. I took Dr.Murugesan of San Diego, California to TCJ. Thus they all gave a moral and financial support to the Principal.

The college would turn to normalcy once again showing the colours and spreading the aroma in near future. The staff and the students should be motivated. Participation of all the teaching/non-teaching/ students in all the activities of the college need to be given importance. Then only a sense of belonging would strike in their mind. Former students/parents meetings would enhance the sense of belonging. Students are encouraged to wear T shirts /key chains/belts/note books etc. bearing the college logo.If they are willing, retired staff would be engaged.Young students would respect them always.


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