Friday, September 4, 2009



Dear Dharumi:

This mail is from Rev. W. A. Kelly, a missionary Chaplain of American College during the days of Principal S. J. Savarirayan and early days of Dr. M.A. Thangaraj. He is now retired and settled in USA. We keep in touch. You may include Kelly’s mail in the IPAC blog. Melba Jesudason mentioned in the mail is the wife of Mr. Jesudasan a former logic lecturer and NCC Officer. Jesudason is now no more. This is for your information please.



Dear VS, Dick and Joyce:

When i sent a letter yesterday to VS about our enthusiasm for the Eye Hospital public television program, I was not aware of the celebration going on, in response to the Madras High Court's decision. Following up on his return reply, I went to the IPAC blog and discovered what has just transpired. From there I went to the Hindu's report of the text of the Court decision.

Congratulations all around! And Hallelujah!!! I join the College supporters every where - and how wide spread we are! - in celebration.

And I'm distressed at the behavior of the Bishop, the Diocese, and the wider church.

Bill Kelly

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