Saturday, August 15, 2009


The American College under “foreign rule”

Today is 15th Aug. The country is celebrating its 63rd Independence Day. This morning as a former NCC officer of the College I was curious to know how the day is being celebrated in the College. I rang up to my usual contact in the College to find out who will be hoisting the flag to take the national salute from the NCC officers and cadets of the College. The reply I got was “the administrator” – the government representative running the College. What a pity? The College well known for over a century for freedom and independence at all levels is under a “foreign rule” when the rest of the country is celebrating its Independence Day.

Before 1947 when the country was under the British rule and students all over the country were defying the British in one way or other it seems on one occasion the local police wanted to get into the College Campus to arrest some students identified as nationalists. It is said that Prof. Flint who was the Principal of the College at that time refused permission to the police to enter the campus. It is also said that he used to be at the College gate on those difficult days to make sure the students do not get out of the campus and get caught by the police. What a contrast. There is a police “out post” inside the gate of the College most of the time in the last several months.

People expect the College to get its independence from this “foreign rule” when the court verdict is made. People should remember that this is the first time in the long history of this College and probably of any Christian College in India that a person who is not a member of the faculty of the College is the Administrator running the College.

Let us all hope for the freedom for the College. Old students of the college (of age about 65 or more years) may recall their anxieties about our country’s independence prior to 15th Aug 1947.

Jai Hind.





sangappalakai said...

this tragedy we are witnessing very long since the day college was intervened by the rowdyism. When I was in Madurai this last May-June, everyday i cried for the conditions I saw in the college. Still my past in the college as a student was not eroded from my memory. The people who claims to own college doesnot have any quality do so when we see the conditions. NO human being in the world will do these barbaric acts. almost all toilets and latrines were broken, even the windows, tiles, sinks everything. A college known for preserving students' rights as you rightly point out from the colonial past is in a tragic condition that it is not able to protect its own infrastructure even in this so-called independence India. I'm writing this last sentence with so much pain that these police forces, part of the Tamilnadu state, also executed some of the barbaric projects within the college such as beating up the teachers, students irrespective of their age and gender. What democracy we have! I really dont know. We still believe in the yet to come court order. In India, everything can be bought if you know the place where it'll be sold irrespective of the things you like to buy and this is very much true in most of the cases. So I wont agree with Jai Hind. There is nothing great about it.

sangappalakai said...

this tragedy we are witnessing very long since the day college was intervened by the rowdyism. When I was in Madurai this last May-June, everyday i cried for the conditions I saw in the college. Still my past in the college as a student was not eroded from my memory. The people who (Bishop the criminal) claims to own college doesnot have any quality to do so (except to break ot beat/plan to murder) when we see the conditions of the college. NO human being in the world will do these barbaric acts except these bishops' beasts. almost all toilets and latrines were broken, even the windows, tiles, sinks everything. A college known for preserving students' rights as you rightly point out from the colonial past is in a tragic condition that it is not able to protect its own infrastructure even in this so-called independence India. I'm writing this last sentence with so much pain that these police forces, part of the Tamilnadu state, also executed some of the barbaric projects within the college such as beating up the teachers, students irrespective of their age and gender. What democracy we have! I really dont know. We still believe in the court order yet to come. In India, everything can be bought if you know the place where it'll be available irrespective of the things you like to buy and this is very much true in most of the cases. So I wont agree with Jai Hind. There is nothing great about it.

gp reuben said...

congratulations ... so happy i am to hear about the college wining the court case. just got an SMS about the GREAT NEWS. i am so excited. i am sharing this information to i know in the middleeast. looking forward to all the details and excitement on campus. will be on campu soon to breathe the college air in peace and happiness.

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