The following is the photograph of the hillock of POTTIPURAM, where the present INO PROJECT is planned to come up. The American College is spearheading this project. The first major achievement is to satisfy the local people that the project would help the people there, leaving the fact this project would make this unkonwn Pottipuram, a world famous science centre.
This area is presently a dry place. Any agricultural activities are purely based on any little amount of rain. If this project consummates it can bring better opportunities to people.
A meeting was organized to meet the local people. With the Collector of Theni, Scientists belonging to this project and media American College met the people in an open meeting explaining the project to the people.

A large group of people from our college visited the spot showing their eagerness to bring the project come through in this selected spot.

Sharing of the happiness at the end of the meeting ..........

1 comment:
Yesterday (6th Aug 2010), Dr.Chinnarajajoseph did address a gathering @ Rotary club in Madurai to explain the INO project. He did mention that American college was hand picked by the chief scientist (at TATA Institute of Fundamental research) who happened to be an old student of American college.
There is no wonder that 'students' of this 129 year old organization are found everywhere. And they have the duty to add glory to the American College.
People's president Abdul kalam seem to have commented that this INO Project will add more value to Theni Belt.
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