Monday, September 22, 2008

Dr. A.R.V. writes ...


Dear Sam,

I feel more and more convinced that the remedy to the AMC situation can come only from the Government and the appropriate Court of Law. Friends and well-wishers of the College should be able to move the Government convincingly to back the College's constitutionally correct status quo ante. There is a precedent here in the orders of the Director of Collegiate Education. However, any Government action could only be a stop-gap perhaps in the given circumstances unless ratified by an appropriate decree by a competent Court. The College's Constitution would be the strength in such litigation. However, approaching the Court cannot be done by anybody. Am I right? The affected Principal and his officers appear to be the right people to do it for the College. Hope that the Court has been approached already. Hope that the College will have its day in Court. Very soon!

Best wishes.




தருமி said...

dear A.R.V.
it is true courts alone can be our final saviour. efforts are being taken. but with their brimming coffers they are able to pull on the legal cases for long, to go for appeal after appeal, to bring in big legal luminaries and so on. money is not a constraint for them. it is said that they are trying to woo anyone and everyone. we have to fight against their money power.

we are anxiously waiting for the two cases in court now.

hope and wish college is put on its past glorious track soon.

milkasingh said...

Dear Sirs,
It is a pang in heart to see the epitome of Higher learning getting into the clutches of baseless creatures claiming to be the pharisees and saducees of Christ times.

Yes they are religious teachers and leaders: Kings and Leaders are made by God, Saul was allowed to fight King David but later we had never seen injustice winning in God's court. Why not our well wishers "FAST" and pray that can move mountains with faith that is as little as the mustard seed!

I have a strong belief that this would pass away soon and sooner than most of you believe. OUR God is an awesome God, The God who answered Elijah's Prayers! The God who answered Daniels' Prayers almost instantly. Now this Great Temple of Higher Learning was started by eminent missionaries. God will never allow this to happen but he allows as he allowed the Israelites to pass through testing times but God is love.

Cheer up friends! WE are going to win..
Let us start "counting the chicken before they hatch"

Milka Singh S A

Head - Business Administration Department
International School of Business and Technology, Kampala
Republic of Uganda.